martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

VERANO 2012. 17 al 26 Agosto. CASTEJON DE SOS. (HUESCA)


El que viaje a barranquear debe aprender su idioma. Hablar y comprender su 
significado te ayuda a arañar experiencia. Un idioma capaz de sacar lo mejor 
de ti, de empujarte y conducirte al final del mismo, a ese lugar con el que
 llevas soñando desde hace tiempo.....Yo diria mas, desde que empezaste a 
practicar este deporte.

El viaje que emprenden los que quieren practicar y conquistarlo es duro, largo 
y sacrificado, y la mente juega un papel fundamental. No basta con
haber entrenado al mejor nivel, tener un talento sobresaliente y estar en un 
buen estado fisico. Necesitas sentirte seguro y confiado, tener las ideas
claras y estar orientado hacia el objetivo a trabes de tus pensamientos: 
"Puedo hacerlo, estoy preparado."

Muchas actividades preparandote para poder hacer barrancos de mas nivel
dan para mucho. La mente pasa por momentos de debilidad en los que se 
cruzan distintos pensamientos: ¿me lesionare?, ese salto imposible, 
destrepes guarros, muchas horas de barrancos, cansancio, etc....La duda y
la presion debilitan, hacen que te cuestiones tu talento y tus fortalezas. 
Pero la duda y la presion son controlables; la mente es controlable.

¿Por que es importante controlar lo que te dices a ti mismo? Porque en 
gran parte determina tus emociones y tu ejecucion deportiva. Tu mente 
es la que pone en marcha tu cuerpo, lo que activa el movimiento, esos 
movimiento del agua, el inicio de ese primer paso al saltar. La mente manda
y el cuerpo obedece. Si te dices a ti mismo "puedo hacerlo, estas tranquilo,
concentrate en lo que te da seguridad, siente la fuerza con la que respiras, 
la potencia de tus piernas", estarás dirigiendo la atención hacia lo que 
tienes que sentir y hacer; fomentaras así la concentración y atención, y te
estarás motivando para terminar el mismo.

Puedes concentrarte en diferentes aspectos del mismo: en los movimientos,
describiendo como braceo en el agua para poder salir rápido en la vena,
la zancada encima de esas piedras,  girando rápido al rapelar para salir
 del chorro, los saltos. Mientras estés relatando que hacer, no podrás estar
a la vez pensando en el error. También puedes focalizar la atención en las 
sensaciones físicas que te dan seguridad: la fuerza de tus músculos, el 
tipo de respiración que te oxigena.......

Y por ultimo, elaborarnos una lista de mensajes con garra y ambición, esos
que nos animan y nos hacen crecer, y repetirlos mientras practicamos y 
barranqueamos: "Puedo llegar donde siempre he soñado", "no permitire que
nada ni nadie no me deje terminarlo" 

Nuestra mente no entiende los pensamientos en dos idiomas: o nos dirigimos
a ella sumando o le hablamos en términos victimistas y derrotistas que solo 
provocaran una bajada en de la seguridad y confianza y sentirás que no 
mereces luchar por terminarlo. Esto es lo único que os puedo desear.......Lo
demás lo llevas ya puesto.

En fin, estos son los barrancos donde uno aprende de verdad, donde tus
emociones y  tu fortaleza fisica de hace tirar hacia delante. Que cada uno
saque las conclusiones sobre el Barranco del Eriste. Ah! y baja poco caudal
aun se hace con mas agua. A si que, cada uno se motive con el deporte que 
mas le guste. 

Tras haber vuelto del pirineo y haber disfrutado todos de nuestra compañia,
creo que tratar de añadir algo mas no tiene mucho sentido. Barranco del Eriste
(tramo 3 y 4), Barranco de Literola, Barranco del Liri, Barranco de Sein, 
Barranco de Sentina, Barranco de Llisat, Barranco de Escuain, travessias,
Vias ferratas, etc....
¿Cuan efimero es el tiempo que hemos pasado por aqui arriba?. Ya sabeis que 
lo dados que somos a dar bandazos, y esto lo hemos vivido Pelacanyons
Tenemos un grupo lleno de buena gente, sin egos y con enorme camaraderia
y generosidad.  A ello unimos la capacidad de esfuerzo, la enorme
disciplina que nos autoaplicamos y la batuta de DAVID grotesc Y JAVI 
(el del purito).

Pues esto es un reflejo de como hacemos las cosas. Todos estamos al servicio
del grupo. Cada uno es lider en sus virtudes y aporta valor al conjunto. No 
hay criticas, todos juntos. Oscar y Olaya, Rafeta, Diego y Erika, Marzo, 
Xus, Pablo, Eli, Susana. Javi y Tere, David, etc.... 

David (Grotesc) y Javi (el del purito), por ejemplo, no solo ofrecieron un 
recital, si no que desplegaron una bendita locura, verlos correr, andar,
saltar y moverse con una caudal que para ellos es patetico. Rasgaron tan
lentamente el Eriste que aquello parecia un poema mistico escrito tras la 
ingestion de un alucinogeno. Con la serenidad y la seguridad de unos 
maestros samurais, generosidad pura y derroche, el temple de quien aprendió
de niño que el miedo no puede impedir que bajen por ese caudal bajo en 

Asi que, como en el post anterior dije que no volveria a dejar nada aqui, solo
dejare los videos del Eriste y las fotos de grupo. De los demas barrancos no
haré crónicas, todo el pirineo anda de capa caida y esta todo como la mojama. 
El unico barranco que hay por esta zona del pirineo que esta en condiciones
de hacer. Hasta la proxima.

17-08-2012. ERISTE III Y IV


20-08-2012. ERISTE IV

25-08-2012. ERISTE III Y IV


jueves, 9 de agosto de 2012




                              Joseph Conrad.

En una escena de la pelicula Nueve Reinas,  Ricardo Darin pregunta a Gaston
 Pauls por cuanto dinero cogeria -mantendria relaciones sexuales- con un 
hombre. Va poniendo sobre la mesa servilletas que simulan fajos de billetes 
imaginarios hasta que el interpelado empieza a poner ojitos. " ¿Lo ves?. En
 este pais sobran putos, lo que faltan son financistas.". Estefan al final ha 
encontrado quien pusiera la pasta, pero el se ha dejado coger por el 
dinero de Indonesia porque, como dice el refran, "entre el honor y el
 dinero, lo segundo es lo primero".

Todo el mundo tiene un precio y el de Estefan es de X millones de dolares. En
un ejercicio de democracia nunca visto en Indonesia, Estefan se arrodillo 
para rezar a los dolores. Estefan y sus secuaces loaron al pais de los paraisos
fiscales y lo presentaron como un oasis de paz, amor y felicidad eterna. El y 
sus socios votaron "si" a lucir en su nueva chaqueta de Armani  el nuevo logo

El MULTIPLY de las libertades, de los valores, de la filosofia y del señorio
se ha convertido en un negocio para los dolares de Indonesia. Tras hecharse
en  sus manos, a partir del 1 de Diciembre se acabó MULTIPLY, comenzaran
las prohibiciones. Desaparece el blog, los videos, las fotos, y todo aquello 
que durante años todos hemos estado subiendo aqui. No se descarta que nos
obliguemos a llevar turbante y que nos hagamos lapidaciones todos los 
dias de la semana. Ahora si que MULTIPLY  es mas que un negocio.

En fin, a partir del 1 de diciembre Multiply cerrara y se convertira en un 
negocio de venta online. Pero visto esto asi se perderan numeros negocios 
a traves de todos los usuarios y hay millones. Asi que le veo poco futuro.

En el Post anterior comente que no tenia ganas de escribir nada pero 
viendo los hechos que últimamente estan aconteciendo. Buscare otro sitio
donde alojar el blog. Muchos años dejando historias, crónicas, fotos, 
enlaces, vídeos para que de un dia para otro todo desaparezca. Así que
 a partir de ahora no dejare nada aquí y esperare acontecimientos antes 
de que den el portazo, dejando antes de esas fechas el nuevo blog. 

Me despido de todos los que durante tanto tiempo habeis seguido este 
blog. Si antes dejarle un video a nuestro amigo ESTEFAN y todos los enlaces
y noticias sobre el cierre y el enlace del grupo que se ha formado DEATH 
OF MULTIPLY que animo a todos los que como yo se encuentran en esta 
situacion a intentar que no desaparezca este sitio.



Hello. Stefan here, writing you from Multiply HQ in Jakarta, Indonesia. 

As most of you are probably aware, Multiply's mission has evolved over the past year and a half to become the biggest and most beloved ecommerce marketplace in two very exciting markets, Indonesia and the Philippines. As our focus has shifted, we have reviewed all of our operations, and made some decisions that will affect everyone here.
From December 1st, we will unfortunately no longer be able to support Multiply in its current form - notably we will be removing the social networking and content sharing part of Multiply (photos, videos, blogs, social messaging, etc.). We have decided to discontinue providing and hosting these services, as we have concluded that other Internet sites who are committed to social networking services will do a better job serving you than we can.
For our existing users of social networking features, we will be providing easy ways for you to either download your stuff (photos, blogs, content, etc), or migrate it to other online services. We'll announce the precise details shortly. It will be your choice whether to download, migrate or just let your content lapse (and get deleted).
For our existing ecommerce users (both buyers and sellers) in Indonesia and the Philippines, there will be no action required.
Regarding any existing Multiply Premium subscriptions we will refund any unused balance, and apologize for any inconvenience this will cause. Please contact customer service to request a refund. Note that this is for Multiply Premium, not the ecommerce related Multiply Trust product.

I am aware of how disruptive this news may be, and understand the disappointment that it may cause. Ultimately this was a business decision, critical to our to success moving forward. Instead, we are excited to pursue our own mission to give the 350 million consumers in Indonesia and the Philippines a great way to buy and sell items online. Our singular focus now is for Multiply to retain its status as a vibrant e-commerce destination in Southeast Asia in the years ahead. 

I suspect that many of you will not like this news, and am sorry to have to deliver it now. I hope that you will be able to understand the reasons for our decision and thank you for being a part of the Multiply community over the past eight years. 


As most of you are probably aware, Multiply's mission has evolved over the past year and a half to become the biggest and most beloved ecommerce marketplace in two very exciting markets, Indonesia and the Philippines. As our focus has shifted, we have reviewed all of our operations, and made some decisions that will affect everyone here.
From December 1st, we will unfortunately no longer be able to support Multiply in its current form - notably we will be removing the social networking and content sharing part of Multiply (photos, videos, blogs, social messaging, etc.). We have decided to discontinue providing and hosting these services, as we have concluded that other Internet sites who are committed to social networking services will do a better job serving you than we can.
For our existing users of social networking features, we will be providing easy ways for you to either download your stuff (photos, blogs, content, etc), or migrate it to other online services. We'll announce the precise details shortly. It will be your choice whether to download, migrate or just let your content lapse (and get deleted).
For our existing ecommerce users (both buyers and sellers) in Indonesia and the Philippines, there will be no action required.
Regarding any existing Multiply Premium subscriptions we will refund any unused balance, and apologize for any inconvenience this will cause. Please contact customer service to request a refund. Note that this is for Multiply Premium, not the ecommerce related Multiply Trust product.

I am aware of how disruptive this news may be, and understand the disappointment that it may cause. Ultimately this was a business decision, critical to our to success moving forward. Instead, we are excited to pursue our own mission to give the 350 million consumers in Indonesia and the Philippines a great way to buy and sell items online. Our singular focus now is for Multiply to retain its status as a vibrant e-commerce destination in Southeast Asia in the years ahead. 

I suspect that many of you will not like this news, and am sorry to have to deliver it now. I hope that you will be able to understand the reasons for our decision and thank you for being a part of the Multiply community over the past eight years. 


The Indonesian bloggers/sellers have started up a petition, its doing the rounds... just thought it would post it here for anyone who wants to sign and share

It's probably a lost cause, but... I am all for fighting for what you believe in :-D

A translation for the petition in english.. this is a google translate so will be a bit all over the place LMAO

after 8 years of use as social networks, create blogs, share photos and so forth. Today (August 7, 2012), C.E.O. Stefan Magdalinski new new office 4 months, with arbitrarily decided to close the media asking the social networking (social networking) in multiply. Content sharing is on Multiply (photos, videos, blogs, social messaging, etc.). will be removed automatically!. (See statement here:

Feel sad, hurt, betrayed and left to rot? It may all that is in our own minds, how can ya play setega erase it!
Multiply the part of itself should be .. once again .. SHOULD BE realize the growth and development until now it's today can not be separated from friends who use social networking facilities in Muuuuultipyyyyyly!

Our absence does not make sense today will wake up and can be expanded from the U.S. to her native Florida to South East Asia, particularly Indonesia and the Philippines ... so, Where is your respect?

Do not think this is as easy as turning the palm of the hand Mr Stef!
we generally do not have a problem with the addition of content "Online Seller" on Multiply, yet among users of social networking (social networking) and selling Online (Online Seller) can work together, we as users of social networking can be an active segment of the market and directly from the multiply own. Proverbial open market by means of a complete but open it in the woods, who bought who?? hewankah animals? This could be a point for the interest you know selling online users in the patch, because of the positive market you people are being evicted ..

In addition, they are greedy to ask, is why we eliminated our country when they open up the market here when they get the money so our money. why is not wise, not a good feedback for us.

This is tantamount to a form of colonialism know. We colonized in our own country, obtains his wealth .. for one reason: BUSINESS!

Here let us all, whether it's social networking users or Online seller in today, let us REJECT removal of content from the social networking site Multiply. nurture our patriotism together, negating the attitude of outsiders who want to divide us (between Social Networking and Online Seller).

Come let us together on the decision of the CEO new. support that many of you, maybe we can change the current conditions. Our fate is in the hands of our own. Whatever the shape, such as creating a petition to block temporarily the use Multiply, Multiply Buying property, etc., let us support a good way ..

* We are friends helping to spread this petition ..

Dear Stefan,

Let me lull you to sleep with this little true story,

Once upon a time...

1. Multiply Indonesia Representative Office was opened in Jakarta, Indonesia and set a page on Multiply by highjacking Donny Verdian's account. Donny Verdian wrote in his blog about this, because his account was closed without any notification. Mulpid claimed that they have sent an email, but Donny said he did not receive any. When confronted on MUDS page, Mulpid still lied and refused to call this as highjacking.

2. MP Indonesia site launched Posting number 23 or "Lapak 23" that sells Darth Vader action figure. Indonesian MP users became restless because the opening of the representative office did seem to focus on selling things. What's going on? That's their main question. But Mulpid (from now on we will call their staffs as Mulpid = Multiply Indonesia Office) almost never replied our questions.

3. Pakdhe Sumitro Rises. He is a fake account created by Mulpid staff (we hold the evidence by tracking their IP address) to terrorize Indonesian MP users who criticized Mulpid in Lapak 23 by calling them "segawon" or "dog" (this is an insult in Indonesian culture, just like bitch or bastard in your culture).

4. Several Indonesian MP users received suspicious technical disturbance, their MP pages were changed without their permission right before their eyes, one even got her password changed into: Pelor Kuda (Horse's Dick). This can only be done by an insider, aka: Mulpid staff. No complaint was made, because by this time we were all terrorized and baffled by their actions. Who are these people running the Website that we used to love?

5. Complaints were made to Mulpid about the Pakdhe Soemitro's teror. They refused to admit (of course) that it was their wrongdoings. They said: "So many offices were here (in their old building, before moving to Gancit/Gandaria City), so the IP address refered here could also be one of them, not us." 

6. Several months ago, the ID Pakdhe Soemitro was back on again, we tracked it and the result: Gandaria City, the sama IP address that leads to Mulpid office (we had tracked them too).

7. In the mean time, Mulpid website kept focusing on Online Sellers, while refusing to even answer blogger's questions. This then have become their policy: silent treatment for bloggers. Meanwhile, they very actively kept selling stuffs and promote their Marketplace on other socmeds, namely Facebook and Twitter. Bloggers were neglected.

8. In an effort to calm bloggers down, they held a prized writing competitions but the result was unsatisfactory. So many complaints were written about the unfairness and not-so-transparent conduct of the competition.

9. 6 MP users were sent Letter of Warning (SP) on the charge of disturbing a user. This user was suspected to be a Mulpid staff, under a different ID whom they claimed to be their business partner (Pramborskkk). We hold the IP address as the proof that Pramborskk is also in Gandaria City. Their baseless charge was a cover up for the deleting of comments that was done by another Mulpid staff. They deleted a user's comments on the user's posting on that user's own site because that comment contains the name of MP Marketplace's competitor, namely Direktori Belanja. This became the topic of conversation and protest on Pramborskkk's posting (that happen to promote things by using prized games as a bait) from more than those six MP users. But only those six received the Letter of Warning, and they happened to be all females. Several PMs between these 6 members and Mulpid staff were made, and the staff still could not clearly explain why these 6 people deserved to be receiving the warning.

10. After an invitation from Mulpid, six people (4 of the members receiving the warning + 2 other members representing those who couldn't come because of their location), came to Mulpid office in Gandaria City. After much talk, and most of them by the staff insisting that it is ther prerogative right to delete comments without user's permission or knowing, the talk ended with the staffs writing suggestions from these members. Of course, none of them is ever applied.

11. Pez and Stefan (yes you, Stefan) released statements that created riots in MP, but mostly among MP users outside Indonesia. The announcement had some clues about the closing of blogs in the future. Because of language barrier, only a bunch of Indonesian users had knowledge about this, beside the fact that they love MP too much and they refused to believe the calculated prediction of this closing. Again, no words from Mulpid staff or office. It is so strange that Stefan and Pez chose to post on MUDS page, instead of on Mulpid official page.

12. Posting about the closing; doomsday for MP users, both bloggers and sellers. History repeats itself, just like Lapak 23, Stefan's posting about the announcement is neglected. Only a few questions were answered with very structured and robot-like answers that concern the technicality of sending complaints, or migrating tools.

So, Stefan, all these incidents I think are not random and sporadic ones. They are all related and underlining one main theme: Mulpid/MP staffs have treated us like shit! From the beginning, you just trampled all over us, the users who help you build the site. And Mulpid managed to trick us by giving false promises just to make us forget about all the cases that have happened and how the staffs basically have ignored us. And now, you decided to close the social networking aspects of MP. That's a wrong move, Stef! You should have known better.

The story I told you about is from a blogger's point of view. I can assure you that there are also many complaints from the sellers side, mostly about how unprofessional your staffs have been and their objection to your selling policies.

Now, we all, bloggers and sellers will unite to fight you and your lousy Indonesian staffs! We will not go down so easily, Sir! No, we won't!

Nighty night, have a bad night sleep full of nightmare.


lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012


Esta maravillosa pelicula de animacion japonesa se dio a conocer gracias al excelente videoclip de Wandue Project el cual se compone integramente de imagenes de esta pelicula. Una gran obra maestra del cine nipon. Esta interesante pelicula reune todos los requerimientos para convertirse en clasico por encima incluso del mitico Akira: guion inteligente, personajes carismaticos y una ambientación cyberpunk sencillamente perfecta. Ademas, Ghost in the Shell es indispensable para los fans de Matrix ya que esta ultima se inspira claramente en ella. Os aconsejo que la veais. Impresionante.




domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

Stefan Schlumpf                                                                             
Stefan Schlumpf
Born in 1975 in Chur, Switzerland, graduated as a Mechanical Engineer, now a full time self employed professional photographer.
His passion for any type of mountain sports, keeps the “Local Graubuendner” active on whether it may be rock or snow, his reason for making extrem and outdoor sports photography his occupation. His style focuses on portraying nature in its simplicity.
When he is not spending his time in the mountains, he can be found in a studio or in the cities where he is also active in advertising, news, marketing and industry photo shootings.